Thursday, April 18, 2013

MAP testing season is upon us!!!

Tomorrow we will begin our MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Testing!

Info directly from the NWEA website...

MAP is:
A Tool for Teachers

Created by educators for educators, MAP assessments provide detailed, actionable data about where each child is on their unique learning path. Because student engagement is essential to any testing experience, NWEA works with educators to create test items that interest children and help to capture detail about what they know and what they're ready to learn. It's information teachers can use in the classroom to help every child, every day.

Adapting the Test to the Student

MAP dynamically adapts to a student's responses as they take the test.
  • Answer a question correctly and the test presents a more challenging item
  • Miss a question, and MAP offers a simpler item
In this way, the test narrows in on a student's learning level, engaging them with content that allows them to succeed.

Available Assessments

Delivered over the web or through your local network, MAP is a complete set of assessments aligned to national and state curricula and standards: Reading, Math, and Language Arts.

Our test schedule begins tomorrow (April 19th) at 8:30 for our math test.

How can you support your child's success during this test? Please be sure your child goes to bed EARLY tonight and arrives to school promptly on Friday morning. Be sure they have a delicious and healthy breakfast and have had plenty of fresh air! 

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