Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Web of Culture

Over the past few weeks the students have been busy sharing about their own heritage and discussing a variety of traditions that have come from other cultures. It's been so interesting to discover what life is like for individuals who immigrate to another country. One of the projects that the students have completed has been a poem about their own heritage. Here are a few for you to enjoy!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekly Kickoff - March 26!

Thanks for your partnership at home! Here are a few of our learning goals for this week...look for ways to incorporate these skills into your nightly reading or conversation!

Spelling to/two/too correctly - look for these in whatever your family reads...books, restaurant menus, emails, etc. and see if your child can tell you how to test them!

Understanding cause and effect

Working with multiples of 10 and using mental math strategies to multiply. Do you know the 9s trick on your fingers? Ask your student!!!

Friday, March 23, 2012