Mr. History came for a visit last week and drew us this! While he drew he explained about Thomas Jefferson, the Louisiana Purchase, how Lewis and Clark and their team (pictured here) traveled and explored the area, and what happened to each of of these individuals. Did you know one of the men accidentally shot Meriweather Lewis in a very "uncomfortable" place? You'll have to ask your kiddo where that was... :)
On Friday we said goodbye to Miss Yaniero, our practicum student from NDSU. She will make a great teacher in a few years, and we will miss her!!!
You may remember that last fall and right after Christmas we had conversations surrounding our classroom "CARES" rules (how we take care of ourselves, each other, and our learning). After winter break the students worked in groups to brainstorm words for each letter to complete the thinking stem "We expect students in our class to be_____" They came up with GREAT, powerful words, and they have lived up to these expectations for sure!!!
The picture below is of one of the windows at the back of our classroom. We've covered it with a giant grid and are recording the titles of all the books we've read (on our own) this year. Apparently I should have made the boxes smaller to fit more boxes, because we have less than 20 boxes open and have more than a month left of school. Whoops! I am ASTOUNDED by the amount of reading these guys have done this year...amazing!!!