Praise for Raina's A Guide to Friendship
- I love that you began with such good description of your characters. It was a great way to begin since I felt like I really knew everyone.
- You used great words..."The girls practically teleported together." "Her hand shot up like a bullet." "...she said, slouching."
- Your character faced such a real problem. (Her mom wouldn't let her open a Facebook account until she was 13.)
- Your characters were!!!! I could really picture them and tell that they were mean girls.
Praise for Julia's From Snakes to a Dog
- It's hard to present a lot of people in a story and keep them straight, and you did a great job executing that.
- My favorite part is that you chose to write it about snakes.
- Even though the character was really sad that he had to give up his pet snakes, you kept it from getting too serious be putting in funny parts.
- I loved the ending when he went from being super sad to suddenly perky and said, "I'm going to go get a dog!" That was really funny.
- Great word choice and humor!!! Including the actual phone number was a great idea since it made it more realistic.
Praise for Brody's Crunch
- I loved all the humor. Naming the alligator Snappy and titling it Crunch was super creative!!!
- The character's responses to each other were very well done and showed a lot of expression. "What?!" "Sure!" Excellent dialogue between characters!!!
- My favorite line was the mom saying, "Those animal control guys are gonna be MAD. I slipped them a $10 instead of $100."
- You really made it real life since they characters were blackmailing one another. "If you tell my mom, I'm gonna tell everyone that you kissed Hanna Jones at the school picnic."
Praise for Taylor's Meatloaf Day
- I loved that it reminded me of the movie Home Alone a lot, since the robbers were slipping on marbles, cars, wet stairs, etc. I also liked that he and his friend bonded over booger meatloaf. Great job choosing creative names.
- I liked it because they were getting robbed and they didn't even realize it because the robbers were having such bad luck. The friends bonded in such an odd way.
- I loved it because you put so much humor in. My favorite line was when the pizza delivery guy arrived and said, "Enjoy your pink princess pizza and have a pinky dink night!"
- I loved all the humor and the names!!! Great job creating names like "Minecat" for their game.